‘The small world of Toledo's intellectual elite (early 13th century)’

Publié le 9 mai 2022 Mis à jour le 29 juin 2022
le 11 mai 2022
14h-15h50 (Heure de Londres)
Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB
Séminaire accessible en ligne
Visuel Conf Warburg Arizaleta 11.05.2022
Visuel Conf Warburg Arizaleta 11.05.2022

Warburg Work in progress Seminar

Amaia Arizaleta (Hewson Crawford and Sondheimer Fellow): ‘The small world of Toledo's intellectual elite (early 13th century)’

This presentation will examine the relationships that may have existed, during the early XIIIth century, between the clerics who participated in what some have called 'the group of Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada', archbishop of Toledo, and the authors of the first Castilian romances of antiquity and encyclopaedias written in Spanish language. My research will focus on networks of knowledge and on the circulation of texts in the royal courts and the cathedrals of the kingdom of Castile, as I would like to understand the intellectual architecture which allowed those productions to take shape. 

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